what better choice than Adiba – beauticians to your constructions !!!!!

AdibA paints come to you, right from the best sources, as it were. The stuff that AdibA is made of is the stuff that the best paint houses in the market today, look for. It is the house of Adiba which has been supplying quality raw material to all the leading paint houses in India. If all paint houses look to AdibA for the best raw materials, AdibA knows where exactly the bestraw material can be found.

what better choice than AdibA – beauticians to your constructions.

Foundations are the base for any building. Foundation for walls !!!! Yes, indeed. Walls need foundations too. AdibA Wall putty powders are the first foundation for attractive walls. AdibA wall putty powders are specially created to bring the silky smooth look to your walls. Well applied AdibA putties on walls that have been smoothened with gentle emery rubbing bring the perfect satin smooth finish after just 8 - 10 hours of drying.

Powder Wallputty Acrylic Wallputty

The prime requirement before any kind of painting job is a top quality primer. And what better choice than AdibA interior primers!!! With AdibA interior primers with superior adhesion are easily thinnable stick so well to the walls that they instantly turn into perfect uniform surfaces, which will surely delight your painters.

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Here is how to make your home create the first impression.....AdibA exterior primers for not just a perfect wall finish but for protection from the ravages of weather and the trials of the sun and rain. Applying AdibA exterior primer on outer surfaces before painting makes the walls resistant to all kinds of weather challenges. Our specially formulated exterior primers not only offer greater coverage but also prepare the walls for perfect top coats later on. Now, you not only get perfect outer walls but also increased coverage with our exterior primers.

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WOOD Primer

Nothing like classy wood work to give the royal look to your home. And nothing like AdibA wood primers to give the royal look to the wood you choose. Priming wood ensures filling of grains and gaps in wood and prepare the wooden surface for paint finishing. AdibA wood primers can finish half your painting job and also cut down the painting costs. By offering ultimate and effective sealing and hiding, AdibA wood primers make the difference - that matters - to the wood work in your home.

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Metal Paints

Now, give metal surfaces in your home, the ultimate smooth finish and polish with AdibA metal primers. AdibA metal primers come with strong opacity and optimum surface coverage and effectively fight settling of dust. Our metal primers also prevent efflorescence and stick on so well to walls that further coatings become smooth and easy. Our metal primers offer protection against all weather conditions and prevent rust and provide long lasting durability

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Special FX Paints

Gold paints. Give your home the regal touch with AdibA special gold paints. Let your home shine with the glow and glitter with the sheen of the royal metal. Let your home come alive with the brilliance of gold making your home feel like a palace and you - like kings and queens.

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